"I don't know everything, and that's my superpower."
In this raw, straight-talk episode of Sales Assassins, hosts Joe Blackburn and Jason Croft tackle the biggest roadblock holding back sales professionals: waiting to be "ready enough" to start.
What You'll Learn:
• Why taking action before feeling fully prepared leads to faster growth
• How to build confidence through real-world experience instead of endless preparation
• The simple mindset shift that separates top performers from everyone else
• Why your clients care more about your intent to help than your perfect knowledge
Key Insights:
Joe shares his proven formula: "Do it, think about it, feel it, repeat" - breaking down why this reverse approach creates better results than traditional preparation methods.
Jason reveals his personal struggle with over-preparation and how letting go of perfectionism transformed his business success.
Practical Takeaways:
• Specific strategies to overcome the fear of "looking foolish"
• How to leverage modern tools to fill knowledge gaps instantly
• Ways to build trust through authenticity rather than perfect expertise
This episode strips away excuses and shows you exactly how to start making progress today, even if you don't feel completely prepared.
Perfect for sales professionals who:
• Feel stuck in "preparation mode"
• Want to accelerate their results
• Need permission to start before feeling ready
Press play to transform your approach from endless preparation to profitable action.
Find all the show notes and links here: https://www.salesassassinspodcast.com/18
Joe Blackburn 0:00
The sooner you can wrap your mind around like it's it's okay not to know. You know. It's okay to say, I don't know. I'll find out, the faster you'll go.
Jason Croft 0:08
Welcome to sales assassins, the podcast that unveils the lost art of word of mouth marketing for professionals just like you, we cover everything from building relationships and nurturing connections to overcoming the challenges of modern marketing, you'll learn how to stand out in a crowded market. Charge confidently for your services and create an army of people recommending you without hesitation. Now let's dive in and make you deadly effective at sales.
Joe Blackburn 0:36
So what I learned a long time ago was do it, then think about it, then decide how you feel, and then do it again, versus I'm gonna go off how I'm feeling right now, which is tired and shitty, then I'm gonna think I feel tired and shitty, and then I'm not gonna do anything. So it's the reverse cycle of doing and what I see a lot of people, you know how they operate, is, well, I gotta get this right. I got, I mean, I don't know this, so I need to learn this. Or it's everything has to be perfect, and then I'm gonna go after it. And it's never worked that way. Well for anyone, you have to take action, learn from the action, reiterate that, and then go back and take the action again. And that's how people get better faster. It's called like, you hear like repping, it's reps. So you have a base knowledge. You don't know everything. You're not expected to know everything. I think in our heads, we're especially in the beginning, especially in the beginning, we're like, I'm gonna get asked that question and look stupid, because no one wants to be humiliated, right? Like, I don't want to look foolish. The sooner you can grasp that you always look foolish to everyone, no, but the sooner you can wrap your mind around like it's, it's okay not to know it's you know, it's okay to say, I don't know. I'll find out, the faster you'll go, because your job isn't to know everything, that's not it doesn't matter what your it's not to know everything. And by the way, there's a couple new tools out there on the market, kids AI and cell phones. So anything I don't know, I can literally get the answer to, like, a heartbeat. Your job and all the professions we deal with, is to know the person that's your job is to know that person sitting across from me, and there's only one way to get to know spending time with them and connecting with them. So the more that I know you, the more I can serve you and give you the right advice or provide you the right product or whatever it is. But me having a knowledge base on something is not the most important thing. You should know it, and you should be a student of your game. But you don't have to be an expert to start and you don't have to know everything. You can just know that, hey, I'm going to do my best for you. Talk about this on confidence a couple weeks ago or whatever. If my intent is right, and I'm going to do my best, I'll find all the answers in the world. I'm resourceful. And again, it's not like you have to go to go to the library anymore or dig through, you know, someone's old stack of files or whatever, in the office, all the answers on the planet are in your phone or somewhere. So what you need to get really good at is getting out in front of people, getting to know them, and identifying what they need, and then helping them get where they want to go faster.
Jason Croft 3:20
That's how you win, right? And yeah. So welcome to another tough love episode of sales assassins, everyone. This is very important, and it is absolutely rampant, like and me included, I have been the worst offender of this for years, and there's just this piece of
Jason Croft 3:48
whatever that is that just like, Yeah, but I've, I've gotta have, I can at least have have this in
Jason Croft 3:55
place, and this in place, and all the results I've ever gotten positive in my business have come from just connecting with folks and having them recommend someone in and, of course, you know when that happens, I take that meeting all the time because, yeah, I have confidence I know exactly what I'm doing. I know what to do and and if we take that lens a little bit. And maybe that's the shift for some folks in that, especially in the beginning stages of, there's a different feeling of, I'm going to go market now, I am going to go out and put myself in front of somebody I've never met. I have to have all this in place. And versus, hey, I've got somebody to introduce you, you know, to tomorrow. Can you talk to them and help them with it? Oh, yeah, no problem. You're COVID in what you do, and you know that that person is knows that you know what you're doing. That's why they're making the introduction. And this is. Part, partly why, you know, word of mouth and the referrals and colors is so important in all of that, but there is this little mental block. I say little, my gosh, it can be a massive mental block in this entire system when it comes to that. Like you said, because it is rampant, I've got to have these things in place before I can really officially go out there, and the faster you can let those go, the faster you're going to move. I promise you.
Joe Blackburn 5:27
It's guaranteed. And I think the thing that a lot of us do is we think that the person that we're trying to serve is it is thinking and seeing and processing the way we do. They're not they have their own universe and their own perception of reality and their own knowledge base. And in most of our especially in our assassins, almost every one of them is licensed or certified, or some there's some level of education to get to, just step one. And once that step is taken, you're 99% ahead of the entire universe. You know, I you name the profession and even even in coaching, their certifications and things like that. Now I will tell you something that works against this is on the interwebs. And on the internet, people can pontificate their expertise and have zero so it then you, like, start seeing all this shit online, and you're thinking, well, this person knows this, and I don't know and, and it's not real look, and I know we did it, I tend to repeat myself, weird. But, you know, we've had, I personally had a look behind the curtain of some of these marketing and marketers things. And quite frankly, they're bullshit. You know, if your marketing background is, I sold an MLM or, uh, affiliates, or some like, you didn't run a business and make big decisions, or make like, maybe you made some mistakes. It's not the same. So don't be hard on yourself thinking that you don't know enough. If you've passed the entrance exam into your profession. Well, if you're CPA of Hell, if you're an attorney, I mean, you go to law school, right? You're an advisor, you're an insurance agent, you're a real estate agent, whatever it is, after you've gotten past the test, there's, like, what? 1% there's, I don't know, 230 financial or 230,000 Financial Advisors, a million, like insurance agents. I don't know how many real estate agents there are, but it's a small segment of the walking population. Those people aren't walking around all day thinking about what you don't know. They're not even thinking about you. So it's like, you make this thing up in your head that, like, I'm gonna get, you know, a hot or I'm gonna get gotcha and hell, in pillars deal with those people anyway. Someone gotcha, you just moved and be like, you're right, I'd leave, like, that's an asshole. Like, only an asshole would do that. So the key is, have a base knowledge, become a student of the game, meaning, do spend some time, whether it's in the morning or in the evenings or whatever, knowing your industry, knowing what's going on. But the only way you're really going to get there is do the reps. Like, if you're afraid that you're going to look foolish, you'll never start, because you may make a mistake. And here's the nice thing about all businesses, as long as you make it right, not everybody knows what mistakes have been made. As long as you get the end result and you're ethical and like, you mess up paperwork up, you miss something that's Name one person, like person with the free hand throw the stone on you haven't made a mistake in your business, like it's it's not that you don't make mistakes, it's that you make them right. There's the difference. I'm going to make mistakes. I need to make them right. We make an error, we're going to correct it as fast as possible and on your behalf. And if I don't know the answer, I'll find out. So just have that as your mantra. I'll correct what we mess up, and I'll find out what I don't know, and then just go after because what most people do is what we're talking about. They don't do anything. They sit around and worry to death, and I get bad news like that is a recipe for disaster, because everything is predicated on how many people you sit across from and try to pour your heart into and say, I'm here to help you, and that's it.
Jason Croft 9:05
I hope that shift in perspective helps a lot of folks listening, because it really is, it really is that simple. It's still hard, it's still scary, it's still in the beginning. It's still like, like, you know? But my goodness, and that's the other thing, like, the only way that feeling goes away is do it at 10 times, 100 times. Like, there's just, there's no other way around it.
Joe Blackburn 9:33
And you know, why? At the end of the day, if you're, I always talk about motive, if you're truly motivated by helping other people and you mess up, so what? But if you're motivated by something else and you mess up, or you purposely do something, that's a different ball game, right? If my intentions are pure and I make a mistake, I'll own the mistake and correct the mistake. But if I'm not now, I'm in trouble. So the way to combat it is just. Be very intentional with what you're doing, and go out and try to help people and just do it over and over and over. Most people are pretty forgiving, like most people are. And the good ones, especially good business people, they were right where you were one, and they understand that. And they all started. Everybody started it where zero. So the great ones that you want as clients, they totally get it. And what they're looking for, more than anything, is your effort, your attitude, you know, like, How hard are you going to work? For me? I mean, some people get to a certain level and they stop working hard. It could be to you know, for our assassins, could be to your advantage. You know, they may be looking for something different. So take all that into account. But most important, and we do, we say this in Assassins, it's an FDS, it's an Epping do something better than doing nothing.
Jason Croft 10:54
Yeah, I love it. Shout out to good friend John Logar. He always talks about this and not having your duck stories like, don't be a duck. Be a do. Get out there.
Speaker 2 11:04
I like it and go on it. Thanks. John, perfect, awesome. All right. All right, man, see you next time.
Jason Croft 11:12
In a sea of endless digital noise, your ability to connect and generate authentic word of mouth is your deadliest weapon, whether you're just starting out, or you're looking to break through to the next level, the principles we discuss here are your blueprint for success. It's all about being the most trusted and valued in your network to maximize what you've learned today. Visit join sales assassins.com to see how you can become a true sales assassin in your industry. Until next time, keep sharpening your skills, expanding your network, and remember, in the world of sales, the true assassins strike silently but effectively by doing what nobody sees coming, building genuine connections and powerful relationships. Stay deadly, stay authentic, and we'll see you on the next episode of sales assassins. You COVID.
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